Soundtrack this injury and you can start your road to the Grammys. via HitFix “My roommate” was watching Teen Mom the other day and there was one song that played on loop throughout the episode and I thought, “Damn, if I was this band I’d be kinda pissed at my manager.” But I also had never heard of the band before so it was cool that they were getting play in a show that exposes them to a (sadly) huge number of viewers. Find out how to get your songs featured in teen dramas and into the ear holes of the youth of America at a Music Industry Secrets event at Knitting Factory on Tuesday, Dec. 4. ReverbNation and Knitting Factory have designed a full night of networking, panel discussion and music to help musicians and industry professionals learn about resources and opportunities for licensing songs to TV, radio, film, internet, video games, etc. The night… Read More
Soundtrack this injury and you can start your road to the Grammys. via HitFix “My roommate” was watching Teen Mom the other day and there was one song that played on loop throughout the episode and I thought, “Damn, if I was this band I’d be kinda pissed at my manager.” But I also had never heard of the band before so it was cool that they were getting play in a show that exposes them to a (sadly) huge number of viewers. Find out how to get your songs featured in teen dramas and into the ear holes of the youth of America at a Music Industry Secrets event at Knitting Factory on Tuesday, Dec. 4. ReverbNation and Knitting Factory have designed a full night of networking, panel discussion and music to help musicians and industry professionals learn about resources and opportunities for licensing songs to TV, radio, film, internet, video games, etc. The night… Read More